“The diversity in the human family should be the cause of love and harmony as it is in music where many different notes blend together in making perfect chord” –Abdu’l – Baha
Connecting with others often feels good. It is the feeling of empathy and kindness for others. Feeling enough trust with someone to share a sad experience or something you are upset about can be a very strong way of connecting with someone as well.
Feeling connected is the ultimate human condition. We as an organization are able to be our best possible self and feel valued and rewarded for this. We love what we do and as a team we connect to each other, this feeling of connection builds a critical foundation of trust in which employees feel they can have a voice and can make a difference. This is the best possible result for both leaders and employees, teams and organisations.
When employees are encouraged to connect, communicate and collaborate better, this leads to an increase in productivity, not to mention happiness. This, in turn, has a positive impact on retention, company loyalty, and of course, the overall performance of the organisation.