Now more than ever!
We’re experiencing unprecedented global change and we’re all in it together. There has never been a more compelling time to be globally educated. It is fundamental to enable young people to access and participate in shaping our world. Although our programmes have paused in schools due to the current lock-down we’ve been creative in how we continue our work…
A creative COVID-19 response
Our Get Global Covid-19 Workbook takes students on a 2-week journey of activities and daily challenges. These activities range from researching a country and finding some key facts to understanding different ways of thinking about an issue or challenge. We also want to ensure that students can access another side of this lockdown by creating daily challenges with their family members. Making dinner with an adult, writing a note of appreciation and even building the tallest structure with things you find in the house. Read more…
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Our Get Global Programme
Get Global works with schools, teachers and communities in Ghana to give young people the tools they need to tackle the problems they face in their communities. It is an experiential education programme for children aged 9-11 to develop the values, skills and knowledge needed to become engaged ‘global citizens’ and support the development of young Ghanaian community leaders.