Editors for Impact

Pan African

NCCE- Ga West
The National Commission for Civic Education is an independent, non-partisan governance institution set up under Article 231 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.
The Commission works to promote and sustain democracy and inculcate in the Ghanaian citizenry, the awareness of their rights and obligations, through civic education.

Global Citizenship Collective
The Global Citizenship Collective exist to see the number and effectiveness of global citizens having positive impacts on people and the planet. We often work as individual organisations, but as Global Goal # 17 (Partnerships For The Goals) encourages us, we need to work in partnerships to achieve the Global Goals, hence this collaboration.
They are a collective of global citizenship educators from a variety of disciplines offering any school or institute to propel themselves forward and enhance global citizenship literacy and competency. They are all united in turning ideas into action to make positive impacts. They are also connected to a rolodex of other good people doing good things around the world supporting global citizenship, sustainability, service, leadership, wellbeing & more…

SDG Civil Society Platform: Ghana
The Ghana Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) Platform on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was established in October 2015 to ensure more coordinated civil society efforts in achieving the SDGs in Ghana. The CSOs Platform was institutionalised in May 2016 and includes more than 300 member organisations, consisting of coalitions, associations, unions, community-based organisations, local, national and international non-governmental organisations, and religious groups. Members are located across the regions and districts of Ghana. The CSOs Platform’s membership is divided into 18 sub-platforms, one for each of the 17 SDGs and a youth sub-platform. District platforms have been established in 11 districts.

1 Billion Africa
1Billion Africa (1BA) is a non-profit organization established in Accra, Ghana in 2013 with a core objective to empower Africa’s youth to find problems within their communities to turn into social impact and business projects.
Mission: To implement and inspire sustainable projects in Africa.
Vision: To see problems turned into sustainable projects in communities in Africa to enhance livelihoods.