Get Global Programme
Get Global is our flagship education programme designed to challenge students to think about the world around them, engage in interactive activities and harness their capabilities as Global Citizens. Our programme was launched and piloted in 2019 and is currently in Phase 1 of our roll out plan across Ghana. For more about the design and approach of our programmes click here.
Get Global is a 7-month programme currently focussed on students aged 10-12 years old. Get Global partners with private and government schools in Ghana and provides trained, local Get Global Facilitators to lead the programme. Classes have a Get Global session every 2 weeks, where students, with the aid of a ‘Get Global Passport’ are taken through an interactive programme focused on the first 6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
We are proud of the progress we have made so far...
Trained Facilitators
Partner Schools
The programme has been designed as a low-cost, sustainable and adaptable programme that has the potential to be scaled across Ghana and internationally. The experiential learning programme has been themed around the first 6 SDGs. As we continue to develop this programme we hope to expand the curriculum to support students beyond those aged 10-12 years old.
The interactive activities are supported by a ‘Get Global Passport’ which acts as a learning journal for students throughout the programme.
The programme is delivered by local, trained facilitators who have been identified as change-makers in their communities or are passionate about creating social change. Our training provides them with the skills necessary to deliver the programme and act as a role model for the youth in their community.
Facilitators partner with schools to ensure a holistic approach to the programme and we work closely with the leadership and teachers of the schools to encourage the integration of the Get Global techniques into the every-day classroom.
Monitoring & Evaluation
The quality of our programming and the experiences of students, facilitators and schools is our top priority. We have a rigorous approach to monitoring and evaluation that enables us to continue to adapt our curriculum and support our facilitators, students and school partners.
Our Pilot Programme
In 2019 we launched the pilot of Get Global at Meyah Preparatory School in Medie, Ghana. These 2 programmes worked with 42 students over a period of 7 months and tested the curriculum of Get Global.
Watch the video:
Get Global Facilitators
Our Get Global Facilitators are the core to our success and impact. Not only do they deliver the programme to students within schools, they are also a direct beneficiary. The training and flexible income that Move The World provides to facilitators has a significant impact on the career prospects and livlihoods of these inspiring young people.
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